A Dive Into Web Application Authentication

James Chiappetta
better appsec
Published in
13 min readOct 31, 2022


A closer look into Web Application Authentication and what it means at a basic level for consumers and businesses.

By: James Chiappetta, with guest contributions from Jeremy Shulman


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  • Recommendations are based on past experiences and not a reflection of future ones.


Take a moment and ask yourself, 10 years ago, which applications did you use that you still use today? Now think about how you authenticated to those apps, was Multifactor Authentication (MFA) an option? In recent years, authentication implementations have matured, for example many companies have made MFA mandatory. We will take a look why some of these changes have occurred and at application authentication more broadly. It’s useful to understand where we are today, how we got here, and where we may be in 10 years.

Web Authentication Authentication Explained

First Things First

Innovation is something that happens naturally and gradually for various problem/solution pairs. There are usually very passionate people on both ends of a problem. One end agitates the problem while the other end works to create or improve upon solutions. As this relates here, authentication is a vital function for nearly all consumer and business applications. To get to the heart of what authentication is, here is what we will we cover:

  • What is authentication and how is it different from authorization?
  • Why do we need multifactor authentication?
  • How does “sign in with” work (hint: OAuth 2.0) and should you use it?
  • What is Single Sign On (SSO)?
  • What is Passwordless Authentication?
  • What is API Authentication?
  • Bonus: What are Deep Links?

Let’s get to it!

What is Authentication and how is it different from Authorization?

Authentication vs Authorization — Simply put, Authentication is the process an application performs to verify an identity’s credentials are valid. If valid, the user or system will be moved onto the next step which is typically an authorization check. Authorization is distinctly different from authentication and is a process to determine if a valid identity has access to a specific resource.

Typical Authentication Example — You must be thinking, well how does an application know who I am? Obviously, you would need to be registered with the application first. Here is a basic example: Let’s say you want to subscribe to a new online service that will send you a different jelly each month. You navigate to the website and select the “create a new account” option. You pick your username and then set a password. You will likely need to provide an email and prove ownership of it. There you have it, you now have a registered identity in the application and can further enter your personal information to receive your jelly each month.

Passwords — These are secrets set for each unique identity of an application. The problem with passwords, and passcodes for that matter, is that they are set by humans and humans often will seek the path of least resistance. Think of a sticky note on your grandma’s monitor. Passwords often get reused across many applications, set so they are easier to remember, and stored in insecure locations. This is why a second factor in the authentication process has become commonplace (more on this next).

Super Basic Web Authentication Flow with MFA

Pro tip: Back to Authorization for a second. Authorization describes what access you have. So it’s important to remember that it’s not just “what you have access to” but also “what data you can leverage with the access”. Fetching a specific person’s name is different than being able to fetch every person’s name.

Why do we need MFA?

In 2012 and LinkedIn reported one of the largest data breaches of the time occurred. Nearly 6.5 million passwords that they knew about became compromised. About 4 years later they discovered another 100 million were actually compromised. This was one of many credential breaches that can be searched on Troy Hunt’s Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) database of hundreds of millions of records. Unfortunately, this is just a fraction of the billions of leaked credentials floating out there. This has translated to a rise in credential stuffing attacks, where a known set of credentials from a compromised service are used on a completely separate one. The industry is seeing double digit growth in these attacks each year. Companies and consumers are usually both on the losing end of these attacks.

What is MFA?

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) — Enter the obvious solution, Multifactor Authentication (MFA). MFA is a common technique to prevent attackers from gaining access to user accounts even if credentials (username+password) are known or guessed. The impact of antiquated password policies has been known for a while and NIST is helping catch things up with their 800–63B publication.

The idea behind MFA is to use at least two different factors for authentication. The three common factors used for MFA:

1) something you know, like a passcode, in addition to your password

2) something you have, like a soft token (software on your phone) or hard token (USB key)

3) something you are, like a biometric (face, eye, finger, or speech).

Current state of MFA — Back to 2012, there weren’t many companies actively considering implementing MFA. Yet, here we are 10 years later with near ubiquity around its adoption. We can partly attribute security breaches in widely used platforms like LinkedIn and games like Fortnite for this. That of course doesn’t mean the end users are enabling it. A simple Google search trend analysis would help illustrate interest in MFA over time.

Source: Google Trends

Challenges with MFA — We are in a far different spot because of the security events that have transpired over the past 10 years. Our guess is that many generations now know what MFA is and use it in some way today. MFA is here to stay for now and we will see it continue to evolve. A focus on a better end-user experience will be key to its increased adoption as other solutions like Passwordless mature. More on that later. That all said, with any technology, there are challenges. Here are a few with MFA to be aware of:

  • Consumer Adoption — Despite the billions of brute force attacks happening each year, people still don’t think the risk/reward of enabling MFA makes sense.
  • Phishing Scams/Smishing — There are nearly endless counts of phishing attempts happening each day. Attackers have kept up with advancements in security measures and still can convince users to provide their multifactor token. Obviously, never provide anyone with any authentication tokens or secrets.
  • MFA Push Fatigue — Those using an authentication app that supports notifications for approving a login attempt are susceptible to this. It happens when an attacker has user credentials and they spam the user with MFA requests, in hopes they click approve to make the notifications go away.
  • Device Compatibility — Not everyone has a smartphone and this means they can’t install an authentication app for soft tokens or MFA push notifications. This means SMS or a hard token are the only options which come with trade offs.

There is a wonderful list of scenarios maintained by NIST and some implementation guidance by Okta for further reading.

Pro tips:

  • For the software developers and engineers potentially reading this: It’s easy to make something that should be simple, like authentication, complicated. Don’t make it complicated. Avoid adding any business logic in your Authentication flows. MFA bypasses based on a specific identity/username (think “testuser”) is a common mistake.
  • Hardware tokens (something you have) remain one of the strongest multifactor solutions today but have a high operational overhead and can be lost. Pick where you want to use this based on risk.

How does “Sign In With” Work?

If you are reading this article, I would hazard a guess that you have seen “sign in with” on various websites.

Medium’s Sign in with page

Heck, even Medium has this feature. This is where you would use your already established identity with another application, such as Google, Facebook, Apple, or the like, to authenticate to another application. This is possible because of widely adopted industry standards like OAuth2 and OIDC which are used for authentication. It is worth noting that OAuth2 was purely designed as an authorization protocol and not authentication. These two terms are often confused. The kind folks in the OAuth2 community have done a fine job walking through this here.

This sign in with capability is possible because you are authenticating once with your Google account and then establishing a trust relationship between Google and whatever the third party application is to allow access (authorized) to that application post-authentication.

Super Basic “Sign In With” Flow

Is it safe? — Generally, yes, it’s safe when implemented correctly, however there are a large quantity of threat scenarios to consider which unfortunately manifest in the real world (1) (2) (3). One of the biggest issues in these flows is the implicit trust that sign in providers have, meaning applications generally trust the data in Google/Facebook/Apple to be true and accurate.

The implementation isn’t just the only thing to be concerned with but the permissions across the two systems is also important. The service you are looking to sign in to may request access to your personal data, so look out for what applications are requesting. You should also periodically review and prune based on usage.

What is Single Sign On (SSO)?

Hopefully you have read the previous section about “sign in with”. The concept is quite similar, but usually in practice Single Sign On (SSO) uses a different protocol, called SAML 2.0, to perform the authentication between the identity provider, idP, (Google in the previous section) and the service provider, SP, (third party application you want to access).

SAML 2.0 is very similar in concept to OAuth 2.0 in that it requires an exchange of identity information between trusted parties. applications. If you want your users to have accounts on many different services, and selectively grant access to various applications, use OAuth (application focused).

SSO is usually employed for business to business applications. This enables business users to maintain a single account and access many applications with it. There are quite large organizations that specialize in SSO as a product. One of the biggest is Okta.

Super Basic SSO SAML Flow

Pro Tip: Many businesses have decided to charge for SSO, despite it being an implementation of an industry standard. Feel free to peruse some known companies that do this at https://sso.tax/.

What is Passwordless Authentication?

The concept of “Passwordless” authentication is to use a non-password factor (see above in the MFA section for the list of common factors) as your primary factor for authentication instead of a password. In movies this is often a retinal scan, because it looks cool. In reality, there is Apple PassKey which is now accepted as a primary factor for consumers. This is indeed a strong way to ensure the requesting user owns the credentials being provided to the system. However, there are some drawbacks with this.

Currently, there is a very high and difficult bar to implement passwordless authentication at scale. The cost benefit analysis tips towards those with lots of privileged access in organizations, similar to hard tokens. Furthermore, the most likely passwordless factor is biometric, which raises privacy, accuracy, data storage concerns. A human’s biometrics can’t be changed if compromised. Microsoft has a detailed write up on how their Passwordless implementation works, with pictures of course.

The FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance is focused on helping with open authentication standards that reduce password based authentication. The FIDO2 standard incorporates the web authentication (WebAuthn) standard, which we have written about on this blog.

Pro Tip: We think for consumers passwordless authentication is still over the horizon, though Microsoft is getting close. For business users, we think players in the space are getting close, but really for only specific and highly privileged users.

What is API Authentication?

Let’s first start with: What is an API — Back to the jelly of the month subscription application example again. Let’s assume that the jelly of the month service has a feature to enroll you into a jelly enthusiast weekly newsletter that is provided by a third party. In order to subscribe to the newsletter, the jelly website will pass your email address to an API (application programming interfaces) that the newsletter makes available. This API will validate the jelly of the month website using some form of authentication.

Super Basic API Authentication Flow

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most prolific examples of APIs we can think of. It is an immense collection of APIs that its customers can use, mainly through HTTP, which is core to the internet. These APIs are designed to be accessible to the public internet. While they may be open to the broader internet, they require an identity to access, unless a resource is explicitly made open, such as static images for a marketing website.

OK, now onto API authentication…

Basic Authentication — As indicated by its name, basic Authentication is basic. This means it’s a username and a password, that’s all. The username and password will be base64 encoded and added as an HTTP header for the server to decode and validate. Note: Encoding is NOT encryption. This is why TLS (HTTPS) is important.

OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens — As mentioned earlier, OAuth is a standard protocol used for authorization but in the case of APIs, used in a specific way in the authentication flow of APIs. OAuth has what is known as access tokens, also known as JWT bearer tokens, which are provided by an OAuth Authorization server. There is a wonderful post by Nordic APIs on how this all works. These tokens authorize a relying party to act on behalf of those for whom the token is issued to. They are frequently used to access user profile information such as the user’s name and email address.

Mutual TLS (mTLS)mTLS allows for each party in a connection, the client and the server, to verify each others’ identities. This form of Authentication leverages public key cryptography and the TLS encryption protocol. Trust is acquired from known certificate authorities. This differs from TLS where only the server provides its identity for verification by the client. More on the differences here.

Pro Tip: In practice you may see additional security controls placed on APIs, such as IP address or system based restrictions. This is not Authentication and should be treated as a secondary factor.

Bonus: What are Deep Links?

What happens when you try to access your email and you’re not logged in? You get redirected to the login page. After logging in, though, you are seamlessly redirected back to your email without having to manually navigate. How does this work? Enter deep links.

Deep links — A service provider/relying party user experience implementation detail. They allow a user to be sent directly to a specific application and/or page post-Authentication. Deep links are not explicitly part of the Authentication specs we have discussed but all said specs have a means of supporting them via a pseudo-session state. In SAML2, this is the “RelayState” parameter. In OAuth2/OIDC, this is the “state” parameter. An identity provider or Authorization server will always send this value back to the service provider/relying party post-Authentication.

Deep links are a type of link that sends users directly to an app instead of a website or a store. They are used to send users straight to specific in-app locations, saving users the time and energy locating a particular page themselves — significantly improving the user experience.

Deep linking does this by specifying a custom URL scheme (iOS Universal Links) or an intent URL (on Android devices) that opens your app if it’s already installed. Deep links can also be set to direct users to specific events or pages, which could tie into campaigns that you may want to run.

Pro tip: Deep Links and any Authentication flow for that matter can be fraught with security considerations that need to be accounted for. Issues such as open redirects, cross site request Forgeries, and clickjacking are serious concerns with Authentication.


  1. Authentication is a simple process to validate a registered identity within an application. There are a lot of security implications with getting authentication wrong, which is why getting it right is so important.
  2. Authorization is not authentication. It is the process to confirm an authenticated identity has access to something.
  3. Passwords alone are no longer adequate to keep applications secure. MFA is here to stay for now and needs serious consideration by those companies who haven’t implemented it yet. For the strongest MFA today, use a hard token, but know that comes at a high management cost.
  4. There is a lot of behind the scenes magic that happens to make authentication as frictionless as possible. The use of “sign in with” and Single Sign On (SSO) are becoming more widely adopted, which is fine, but be sure you review the permissions and data of each application.
  5. We are eager for a phishing resistant and passwordless authentication solution, but there are a lot of challenges ahead to finding the right balance between cost and reward. Innovations that are happening today with FIDO2, Web Authn, and privacy standards are beginning to help.
  6. Even more complicated authentication work flows, like deep links, make it convenient for the end user to get to resources but can be vulnerable to many different issues. For the security practitioners reading, we recommend you find the time reviewing your company’s authentication implementations.

Words of Wisdom

Authentication isn’t something we simply can’t ignore. Despite the collective decades of experience implementing and securing Authentication for companies, we remain with a feeling of continued curiosity as it evolves over time.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. — Socrates

Contributions and Thanks

A special thanks to those who helped peer review and make this post as useful as it is: Marshall Hallenbeck, Keshav Malik, Abishek Patole, Evan Helbig, Byron Arnao, Sean McConnell, Luke Young, and Anand Vemuri.

A special thanks to you, the reader. We hope you benefited from it in some way and we want everyone to be successful at this. While these posts aren’t a silver bullet, we hope they get you started.

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Started my career pentesting and building security tools. I have built several security teams. I believe in a balanced approach to cybersecurity.